W miniony weekend odbyły się Regionals w dwóch rejonach: SOUTH i ATLANTIC. Jeszcze dwa weekendy przed nami, czyli 22-24 maj oraz 30-31 maj. Dla nas najważniejsze będą Regionalsy w Europie, gdzie startują Polacy, a będzie to właśnie 30-31 maja.
Poniżej lista zakwalifikowanych już do CrossFit Games:
South Regionals
Individual MAN
1 (579) | Roy Gamboa | 2nd 95 pts 02:35.9 |
1st 100 pts 08:21.5 |
8th 71 pts CAP+70 |
9T 69 pts 02:17.9 |
1st 100 pts 270 lb |
8th 71 pts 13:29.9 |
7th 73 pts 01:25.9 |
2 (553) | Travis Williams | 1st 100 pts 02:35.5 |
7th 73 pts 09:19.9 |
3rd 90 pts CAP+59 |
11th 65 pts 02:19.7 |
3rd 90 pts 260 lb |
26th 35 pts 15:33.8 |
1st 100 pts 01:22.2 |
3 (549) | Jordan Cook | 12th 63 pts 02:59.2 |
2nd 95 pts 08:25.8 |
1st 100 pts CAP+38 |
31T 26 pts CAP |
5T 80 pts 251 lb |
3rd 90 pts 12:31.5 |
2nd 95 pts 01:22.4 |
4 (518) | Adrian Conway | 3rd 90 pts 02:37.0 |
4th 85 pts 08:38.6 |
2nd 95 pts CAP+42 |
20th 47 pts 02:35.8 |
9T 69 pts 247 lb |
7th 73 pts 13:03.9 |
14th 59 pts 01:36.3 |
5 (478) | Chad Cole | 35th 22 pts 03:21.2 |
8th 71 pts 09:34.0 |
24T 39 pts CAP+106 |
5th 80 pts 01:59.6 |
2nd 95 pts 266 lb |
1st 100 pts 12:04.7 |
8th 71 pts 01:26.4 |
Individual WOMEN
1 (650) | Camille Leblanc-Bazinet | 2nd 95 pts 02:42.2 |
4th 85 pts 09:47.9 |
5th 80 pts CAP+61 |
1st 100 pts 01:43.1 |
2nd 95 pts 187 lb |
1st 100 pts 13:49.1 |
2nd 95 pts 01:29.6 |
2 (572) | Margaux Alvarez | 1st 100 pts 02:35.3 |
2nd 95 pts 09:33.4 |
2nd 95 pts CAP+44 |
14th 59 pts 02:39.1 |
7th 73 pts 172 lb |
11th 65 pts CAP+7 |
4th 85 pts 01:53.0 |
3 (557) | Amanda Goodman | 6th 75 pts 02:49.7 |
7th 73 pts 09:59.9 |
14T 59 pts CAP+103 |
6th 75 pts 02:02.0 |
3rd 90 pts 185 lb |
4th 85 pts 15:28.1 |
1st 100 pts 01:21.0 |
4 (539) | Jenn Jones | 4th 85 pts 02:44.8 |
13th 61 pts 11:20.9 |
7th 73 pts CAP+77 |
5th 80 pts 02:01.8 |
1st 100 pts 190 lb |
6th 75 pts 15:48.0 |
11th 65 pts 02:32.0 |
5 (478) | Maddy Myers | 11th 65 pts 02:57.9 |
10th 67 pts 11:03.8 |
14T 59 pts CAP+103 |
17th 53 pts 02:53.2 |
8T 71 pts 170 lb |
7th 73 pts CAP |
3rd 90 pts 01:29.9 |
Individual TEAM
1 (628) | Ute CrossFit | 1st 100 pts 13:28.5 |
2nd 95 pts 19:46.1 |
5th 80 pts 18:25.0 |
1st 100 pts 1200 lb |
5th 80 pts 05:48.0 |
1st 100 pts 17:57.9 |
7T 73 pts CAP+91 |
2 (541) | CrossFit Lubbock | 3rd 90 pts 14:45.9 |
8T 71 pts 20:26.8 |
4th 85 pts 18:04.3 |
3T 90 pts 1120 lb |
8th 71 pts 06:18.4 |
6th 75 pts 19:57.9 |
14th 59 pts CAP+106 |
3 (535) | OPEX Red | 4th 85 pts 15:08.9 |
13th 61 pts 20:45.7 |
3rd 90 pts 17:53.9 |
29th 29 pts 940 lb |
3rd 90 pts 05:09.1 |
5th 80 pts 19:30.3 |
1st 100 pts 19:04.5 |
4 (530) | Backcountry Black | 5th 80 pts 16:04.7 |
1st 100 pts 19:09.9 |
7th 73 pts 18:50.5 |
6th 75 pts 1117 lb |
18T 51 pts CAP+3 |
13th 61 pts 22:29.1 |
3rd 90 pts CAP+10 |
5 (514) | CrossFit Jääkarhu | 22nd 43 pts CAP |
3rd 90 pts 19:58.0 |
18th 51 pts 19:39.7 |
3T 90 pts 1120 lb |
1st 100 pts 04:43.5 |
4th 85 pts 18:50.5 |
16th 55 pts CAP+116 |
Atlantic Regionals
Individual MAN
1 (564) | Noah Ohlsen | 5th 80 pts 02:41.6 |
2nd 95 pts 07:31.1 |
2nd 95 pts CAP+17 |
4th 85 pts 01:38.3 |
11T 65 pts 261 lb |
6th 75 pts 12:05.5 |
9th 69 pts 01:24.2 |
2 (526) | Aaron Hanna | 17th 53 pts 02:53.9 |
1st 100 pts 07:17.2 |
13th 61 pts CAP+79 |
2nd 95 pts 01:33.2 |
6T 75 pts 266 lb |
15th 57 pts 13:19.5 |
4T 85 pts 01:20.6 |
3 (524) | Elijah Muhammad | 4th 85 pts 02:41.5 |
5T 80 pts 08:13.8 |
5th 80 pts CAP+55 |
14T 59 pts 02:13.3 |
2T 95 pts 275 lb |
32nd 25 pts CAP+3 |
1st 100 pts 01:18.3 |
4 (516) | Ben Smith | 12th 63 pts 02:49.3 |
4th 85 pts 07:56.6 |
1st 100 pts CAP+5 |
7th 73 pts 01:52.6 |
13th 61 pts 260 lb |
13th 61 pts 13:06.1 |
7th 73 pts 01:22.6 |
5 (504) | Nathan Bramblett | 6th 75 pts 02:42.0 |
14th 59 pts 09:29.3 |
4th 85 pts CAP+50 |
5th 80 pts 01:42.8 |
11T 65 pts 261 lb |
4th 85 pts 11:51.1 |
16th 55 pts 01:27.9 |
Individual WOMEN
1 (617) | Emily Bridgers | 15th 57 pts 03:16.9 |
6th 75 pts 11:08.5 |
1st 100 pts 24:53.5 |
1st 100 pts 01:47.9 |
4T 85 pts 172 lb |
1st 100 pts 14:01.4 |
1st 100 pts 01:33.9 |
2 (584) | Samantha Briggs | 1st 100 pts 02:28.8 |
2nd 95 pts 09:36.4 |
3rd 90 pts CAP+40 |
14T 59 pts CAP+1 |
11T 65 pts 160 lb |
2nd 95 pts 15:22.5 |
5th 80 pts 02:13.8 |
3 (561) | Anna Tunnicliffe | 3rd 90 pts 02:52.3 |
1st 100 pts 08:24.9 |
2nd 95 pts 24:58.8 |
7th 73 pts 02:23.9 |
8T 71 pts 165 lb |
4T 85 pts CAP+1 |
20th 47 pts 03:56.1 |
4 (541) | Cassidy Lance | 2nd 95 pts 02:45.8 |
29th 29 pts 15:02.1 |
8T 71 pts CAP+80 |
3rd 90 pts 02:02.8 |
1T 100 pts 176 lb |
4T 85 pts CAP+1 |
8th 71 pts 02:34.4 |
5 (483) | whitney gelin | 12th 63 pts 03:12.0 |
3rd 90 pts 10:51.3 |
8T 71 pts CAP+80 |
19T 49 pts CAP+5 |
3rd 90 pts 175 lb |
20th 47 pts CAP+50 |
7th 73 pts 02:21.8 |
1 (576) | CrossFit Terminus | 7th 73 pts 17:31.9 |
3rd 90 pts 20:36.5 |
12th 63 pts 19:28.7 |
2nd 95 pts 1141 lb |
4th 85 pts 06:08.9 |
3rd 90 pts 20:10.4 |
5th 80 pts CAP+80 |
2 (564) | Rising Orange | 17th 53 pts CAP+1 |
1st 100 pts 20:00.3 |
4th 85 pts 18:30.0 |
12th 63 pts 1057 lb |
7th 73 pts CAP+2 |
2nd 95 pts 19:03.7 |
2nd 95 pts CAP+24 |
3 (562) | 12 Labours CrossFit Columbia | 1st 100 pts 15:45.3 |
4th 85 pts 20:36.6 |
6th 75 pts 18:39.8 |
24th 39 pts 875 lb |
12T 63 pts CAP+4 |
1st 100 pts 18:51.4 |
1st 100 pts CAP+11 |
4 (537) | Competitive EDGE Wilmington | 4th 85 pts 16:38.8 |
2nd 95 pts 20:12.2 |
8th 71 pts 18:50.8 |
4th 85 pts 1130 lb |
8T 71 pts CAP+3 |
7th 73 pts 21:36.1 |
15th 57 pts CAP+148 |
5 (533) | CrossFit Bound | 6th 75 pts 17:29.5 |
9th 69 pts 21:15.3 |
3rd 90 pts 18:26.7 |
1st 100 pts 1230 lb |
12T 63 pts CAP+4 |
6th 75 pts 21:06.3 |
13th 61 pts CAP+141 |
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